Even now, months after Hillary Clinton called half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “Basket of Deplorables,” (read the story) I am amazed that she actually said the words out loud. But she did, and I doubt that it had the intended effect. I know that what I am about to write might not strengthen my case, but here goes anyway.
After the election, I went to the liquor store to purchase a bottle of Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum. I’m earning my Deplorable Badge, I know. I informed the lady at checkout that I was buying my celebratory bottle of rum. She inquired to what I was celebrating. When I told her I was one of the Irredeemable Deplorables that is happy that Donald Trump won the presidency, she grinned, shook my hand and proudly proclaimed to be a Deplorable herself. It would appear, according to my very small sample of two, a very scientific survey if there has ever been one, being a member of Donald Trump’s Basket of Deplorables has become a badge of honor. Take that Crooked Hillary.
If you would like to proudly proclaim being a Deplorable, please feel free to do so in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.